Bump Arch Set

Regular price R 6,295.00


The Bump Arch Set is a dynamic and versatile tool, designed to inspire movement, sensory exploration, spatial awareness and develop strength and coordination. 

PlayOn equipment transforms your space into a stimulating learning experience for development, play and discovery.  Ideal for therapists and schools - supporting sensory integration, motor skills and cognitive and emotional development. Integral to playscapes - promoting active play and exploration with vibrant colours, soft surfaces and engaging possibilities. 

The Bump Arch Set comprises a Half Wheel 120 with two accompanying accessories -  Surf Board & Bump Arch, for added range of balancing and climbing challenges.

Half Wheel 120 - 120x45x60 cm

Surf Board 120 - 120x45x3 cm

Bump Arch 135 - 135x45x20 cm